II Colloquium of the Research Group Body and Image in Discourse: Body, art, cinema and other media

Federal University of Uberlândia – Uberlândia – MG – Brazil

December 04-04, 2012

How can the body be materialized, fragmented, and reorganized into different forms of art and media? How do these different forms of language help to stabilize and maintain memory? How do we understand hybrid and multimodal textualities? What is the effect of the linguistic structure on them and on our processes of interpretation? At a time when the concept of collective memory (HALBWACHS, 1966) can shift to media memory (NEIGER, MEYERS and ZANDBERG, 2011) and in which cultural productions follow global movements, at the same time as they are deeply theorized by disciplines which lead to specialization and fragmentation of knowledge, this event aims to discuss and reflect on such issues, contributing to the theorizing and discussion of their methods of analysis. Researchers in the fields of Discourse Analysis, History, Art History, Cultural Anthropology, Visual, Cinema, Media and Art Studies, among others, are encouraged to submit their works.

Official languages: Portuguese and English

Keynote speakers

Lynn Mario Trindade Menezes de Souza (USP)
Karen Ingham (Swansea Metropolitan University)

Plenary Sessions

Nilton Milanez (UESB)
Ivânia Neves (UNAMA)
Leonardo Francisco Soares (UFU)
Simone Tiemi Hashiguti (UFU)
William Mineo Tagata (UFU)

Steering Committee

Dr. Simone Tiemi Hashiguti (UFU)
Dr. William Mineo Tagata (UFU)
Danilo Corrêa Pinto (UFU)
Ana Flora Schlindwein (UNICAMP)
Talita Mendes (UNICAMP)
Giovanna Monique Alelvan (UFU)
Patricia Helena Baruffi Gomes (UFU)
Pedro de Freitas Salomão (UFU)
Yara Oliveira Diniz (UFU)

Scientific Committee
Dr. Fernanda Costa Ribas (UFU)
Dr. João Carlos Biela (UFU)
Dr. Sérgio Ifa (UFAL)
Dr. Walkyria Monte Mor (USP)




